November 2010
Landlord Can Evict Mentally Ill Tenant
Tenant Can Pursue HP Action
Elevator Didn't Level Properly
Tenant Overcharged Roommate
Landlord Fined for Faulty Drainage System
Landlord Didn't Properly Appeal Suspension of Rent Subsidy
No Defects Found in MCIs
Landlord Replaced Less Than 80 Percent of Windows
Landlord Can't Raise Rent for Renovation Costs After Fire
Landlord Must Pay Tenant's Fees to Discontinue Case
Four-Year TIme Limit Inapplicable in Case of Fraud
Four-Year Time Limit Doesn't Apply to Rent Freeze
No Proof Co-op Reserve Fund Was Used to Pay for MCI
Son Has Pass-on Rights to Tenant's Apartment
DOB Fails to Prove Balcony Live Load Violation
Tenant Transferred Apartments Without Written Agreement
Surcharge Dispute Resolved in Prior Proceeding
Kitchen Utensil Drawers Not Required in Tenant's Apartment
Landlord Must Deduct Appliance Electricity Charges from Base Rents
DHCR Previously Ruled Apartment Was Deregulated
Landlord Didn't Arrange for Con Ed Gas Hook-Up to New Stove
DHCR Must Follow Its Prior Opinion Approving Proposed MCI
Useful-Life Waiver Granted for Emergency Elevator Replacement
No Proof of Preferential Rent
Tenant Fell Down Unlit Staircase
Landlord Believed J-51 Unit Was Deregulated
DHCR Inspected Wrong Elevator
Landlord Must Relocate Tenants After DOB Demolition Order
Landlord Converted Stoves Before Getting DHCR Approval
Landlord Not Responsible for Steam-Pipe Burn Injury
No Fine for Closed Trash Bags Placed in Open Cans
Tenant Maintained Primary Residence Despite Spending Nights at Girlfriend's
Landlord Can't Reopen Tenant Complaint Filed 30 Years Later
Defective Kitchen Cabinet Injured Tenant's Visitor
NYCHA Can Evict Tenant for Chronic Nonpayment of Rent
Four-Year TIme Limit on Overcharge Claim Inapplicable
Tenant Waited Too Long to Claim Rent-Control Coverage
No MCI Rent Hike Due to Defective Elevator Cab
Tenant in Co-op Building Is Rent Stabilized
Untimely Overcharge Refund Results in Triple Damages
Fire Escape Conditions Not Minor
One-Family House Occupied by Five Unrelated Students
Rent Reduction Remains in Effect for New Tenant
Buzzer System Is Required Service
Landlord Must Request Increase in MCR
New Garage Roof Qualifies as MCI
Landlord Proved Good-Faith Intent to Use Tenants' Apartments
Request to Reinstate Tenant's Section 8 Subsidy Untimely
Tenant Overcharged Subtenant
Landlord Submitted Sufficient Proof of Facade Work
Landlord Fined Over $27,000 for Illegally Altering House
DHCR Improperly Used Default Formula
Two Adjoining Buildings Are Horizontal Multiple Dwelling
Tenant's Brother Gets Rent-Stabilized Apartment
Four-Year Time Limit Doesn't Apply to Rent-Controlled Tenant
Landlord Should Have Offered Renewal Leases
Landlord Reduced Three Security Guard Shifts to Two
No Rent Reduction for Lack of Live-In Super
Landlord Didn't Document Correction of HPD Violation
Landlord Not Responsible for Death in Apartment