Recycling Signs Not Posted

LVT Number: 14252

DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for not posting recycling notices in her building. Landlord presented pictures of the trash container area with a recycling poster and recycling labels on the containers, but there was no proof of posting of recycling information, as required by law. The ALJ ruled against landlord and fined her $25. Landlord appealed and now claimed that the recycling information was posted in the building vestibule. ECB ruled against landlord. There was no proof of when this information was posted.

DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for not posting recycling notices in her building. Landlord presented pictures of the trash container area with a recycling poster and recycling labels on the containers, but there was no proof of posting of recycling information, as required by law. The ALJ ruled against landlord and fined her $25. Landlord appealed and now claimed that the recycling information was posted in the building vestibule. ECB ruled against landlord. There was no proof of when this information was posted.

Lori: ECB App. No. 33910 (5/31/00) [2-pg. doc.]


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