Landlord Didn't Register Apartment with HPD
LVT Number: 12024
New landlord sued to evict six tenants for nonpayment of rent. Landlord's petitions stated that the building was registered with HPD as a multiple dwelling. Tenants claimed the petitions were defective since landlord hadn't completed the MDR registration at the time the cases were begun. Landlord argued that it had registered with the DHCR, so the multiple dwelling registration number, and landlord's name and phone number were available to tenants. The court ruled for tenants and dismissed the cases. City law required current MDR registration with HPD to maintain summary cases. Since landlord's building wasn't currently registered when nonpayment cases were begun, the petitions were defective.
Shahid v. Doe: NYLJ, p. 24, col. 6 (12/24/97) (Civ. Ct. Kings; Wendt, J)