Certificate of Correction Not Properly Notarized

LVT Number: 10244

Fire Department issued a violation notice to landlord based on violation of Fire Rule 15. The June 9 notice provided for certification of correction by July 14. Landlord submitted the certification by this date and claimed that the $150 penalty should be waived. The ALJ ruled against landlord, and landlord appealed. ECB again ruled against landlord. The certificate landlord submitted wasn't notarized. Notarization is important because one who swears falsely that he corrected a violation can be prosecuted for perjury.

Fire Department issued a violation notice to landlord based on violation of Fire Rule 15. The June 9 notice provided for certification of correction by July 14. Landlord submitted the certification by this date and claimed that the $150 penalty should be waived. The ALJ ruled against landlord, and landlord appealed. ECB again ruled against landlord. The certificate landlord submitted wasn't notarized. Notarization is important because one who swears falsely that he corrected a violation can be prosecuted for perjury. If the certification isn't notarized, landlord can't be held to this standard.

Congregation Marah Yecheskel: ECB App. No. 20858 (6/28/95) [2-page document]


20858.pdf139.39 KB