Work Wasn't Defective

LVT Number: 18248

Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on the installation of a new roof, pointing, windows, hard wired smoke detectors, rewiring, and structural work. The DRA ruled for landlord. Tenants appealed, claiming that landlord's work was defective. The DHCR ruled against tenants. Only eight out of 54 tenants complained to the DRA of defects. And only three of those tenants filed PARs. This was insufficient reason to deny landlord's application. In addition, there were no outstanding rent reductions based on any reductions in required services.

Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on the installation of a new roof, pointing, windows, hard wired smoke detectors, rewiring, and structural work. The DRA ruled for landlord. Tenants appealed, claiming that landlord's work was defective. The DHCR ruled against tenants. Only eight out of 54 tenants complained to the DRA of defects. And only three of those tenants filed PARs. This was insufficient reason to deny landlord's application. In addition, there were no outstanding rent reductions based on any reductions in required services.

1274 Fifth Ave.: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. Nos. PG410103RT, PI410023RT, & PJ410051RT (6/30/05) [5-pg. doc.]


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