Tenant Didn't Waive Protection of Loft Law

LVT Number: 8129

Loft tenant applied for Loft Law protection. The city granted his application, and landlord appealed. Landlord claimed that tenant had waived his rights in a written agreement with landlord. The court found that there was no waiver, and landlord appealed. The appeals court ruled against landlord. Landlord's June 1983 agreement with tenant was based on doubtful or unclear acts and language.

Loft tenant applied for Loft Law protection. The city granted his application, and landlord appealed. Landlord claimed that tenant had waived his rights in a written agreement with landlord. The court found that there was no waiver, and landlord appealed. The appeals court ruled against landlord. Landlord's June 1983 agreement with tenant was based on doubtful or unclear acts and language.

Lusker v. City of New York: 599 NYS2d 575 (6/29/93) (App. Div. 1 Dept.; Carro, JP, Ellerin, Rubin, Nardelli, JJ)