Landlord Proved No Access

LVT Number: 9006

Tenant complained of reduced services. Landlord argued that tenant had denied access to complete the repairs. The DRA cut tenant's rent, and landlord appealed. The DHCR revoked the rent cut. Landlord had complied with the requirements for getting a no-access inspection by sending tenant---by certified mail---two letters arranging access dates. Landlord had sent copies of these letters to the DRA. So, the DRA should have scheduled a ''no-access'' inspection before ordering a rent cut.

Tenant complained of reduced services. Landlord argued that tenant had denied access to complete the repairs. The DRA cut tenant's rent, and landlord appealed. The DHCR revoked the rent cut. Landlord had complied with the requirements for getting a no-access inspection by sending tenant---by certified mail---two letters arranging access dates. Landlord had sent copies of these letters to the DRA. So, the DRA should have scheduled a ''no-access'' inspection before ordering a rent cut.

Melohn Properties: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. EI 410019-RO (6/3/94) [2-page document]


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