Landlord Made Reasonable Efforts to Clean

LVT Number: 6974

The DOS gave a violation notice to landlord for not making reasonable efforts to clean up to 18 inches into the street in front of landlord's three-family building. The ALJ fined landlord $50, and landlord appealed. The ECB reversed, finding that landlord made reasonable efforts to clean. Landlord swept the area each morning before leaving for work and picked up any visible debris after returning home.

The DOS gave a violation notice to landlord for not making reasonable efforts to clean up to 18 inches into the street in front of landlord's three-family building. The ALJ fined landlord $50, and landlord appealed. The ECB reversed, finding that landlord made reasonable efforts to clean. Landlord swept the area each morning before leaving for work and picked up any visible debris after returning home.

City of New York v. Nieves: ECB App. No. 9408 (7/31/91) [1-page document]


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