Consultant's Fee Covers Services Already Provided by Architect

LVT Number: 16058

Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes. The DRA granted rent hikes for elevator upgrading but denied rent hikes for elevator consultant and elevator architect fees. Landlord appealed. The DHCR ruled for landlord in part. The architect fees were a permissible part of the MCI cost as a necessary and customary expense. But the consultant's fee was for the same services covered by the architect's fee. No MCI increase was allowed for this.

Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes. The DRA granted rent hikes for elevator upgrading but denied rent hikes for elevator consultant and elevator architect fees. Landlord appealed. The DHCR ruled for landlord in part. The architect fees were a permissible part of the MCI cost as a necessary and customary expense. But the consultant's fee was for the same services covered by the architect's fee. No MCI increase was allowed for this.

144 W. 86 St., Inc.: DHCR Admin. Rev. Dckt. No. LH430002RO (8/13/02) [5-pg. doc.]


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