7-A Administrator Appointed

LVT Number: 15217

Facts: HPD sued landlord to make building repairs. Tenants joined in the case and asked the court to appoint a 7-A administrator. Landlord didn't appear, and the court ruled for tenants. Landlord later asked the court to vacate her default and dismiss the 7-A administrator. Court: Landlord loses. Landlord didn't show an excusable default or a good defense to the appointment. There were conditions in the building that were dangerous to the life, health, and safety of tenants.

Facts: HPD sued landlord to make building repairs. Tenants joined in the case and asked the court to appoint a 7-A administrator. Landlord didn't appear, and the court ruled for tenants. Landlord later asked the court to vacate her default and dismiss the 7-A administrator. Court: Landlord loses. Landlord didn't show an excusable default or a good defense to the appointment. There were conditions in the building that were dangerous to the life, health, and safety of tenants. These conditions included no locks on the front door, rotting staircases, a missing support girder in the basement, vermin infestation, no working bell or intercom system, and rotting window frames and apartment doors. The case was delayed to allow the 7-A administrator and HPD to obtain loans from HPD for 7-A assistance money.

HPD v. Holmes: NYLJ, 8/21/01, p. 21, col. 1 (Civ. Ct. Kings; Sikowitz, J)