Managing Agent May Be Responsible for Accident That Injured Tenant's Employee

July 25, 2024    

An employee of a restaurant located in landlord's building, sued the building owner, managing agent, and the restaurant for personal injuries after he slipped and fell on grease in the building's basement...

Landlord Not Responsible for One Tenant's Stabbing Attack on Other Tenant

June 26, 2024    

Tenant sued landlord after another building tenant stabbed him. Landlord claimed that it wasn't responsible for the attack on tenant and asked the court to dismiss the case. The court ruled against landlord, who...

Were Landlord and Laundry Room Operator Responsible for Tenant's Slip-and-Fall?

June 26, 2024    

Tenant sued landlord and its washing machine vendor for negligence after she was injured in a slip-and-fall in the building's laundry room. Tenant claimed that the accident was the result of a chronic...

Landlord Not Responsible for Attack on Tenant After Tenant Let Attacker In

June 26, 2024    

Tenant, who worked as a psychiatrist in his home office, was conducting a patient session when the cousin of his former domestic partner barged into his apartment and demanded certain financial documents required for...

Landlord Responsible for Tenant's Injuries After Slip-and-Fall on Wet Floors

March 27, 2024    

Tenant sued landlord for negligence after a slip-and-fall in landlord's apartment building. After pre-trial questioning, tenant asked the court to rule in her favor without a trial. Tenant claimed that landlord...

Landlords and Maintenance Firm Didn't Show They Weren't Responsible for Tenant's Injury

February 26, 2024    

Tenant sued landlords for negligence after she slipped and fell in the building where she lived. The building was a mixed-use premises that included several floors of community housing owned and/or operated by...

Is Landlord Responsible for Admitting Visitor Who Attacked Tenant?

September 25, 2023    

Tenant sued landlord for negligence in connection with injuries sustained in his apartment. The court denied landlord's request to dismiss the complaint. Tenant lived in and worked out of his apartment as a...

Was Tenant Injured by Building's Security Guards During Courtyard Incident?

September 25, 2023    

Tenant sued landlord for damages due to personal injuries suffered as the result of what tenant claimed was negligent hiring, retention, and supervision of security guards at the building. Tenant claimed that she was...

Is Landlord Responsible for Tenant's Slip and Fall on Wet Grate Outside Building?

August 29, 2023    

Tenant sued landlord after she slipped and fell when she stepped on a wet grate next to the building entrance. After pretrial questioning, landlord asked the court to dismiss the case without a trial. The court ruled...

Tenant Can't Blame Window Screen for Her Fall From Apartment Window

June 27, 2023    

Tenant slipped and fell out of a window in her apartment located in Townsend Park Homes and fell five stories. She sustained serious injuries. Tenant then sued landlord for negligence, claiming that the fall was...

New York's Highest Court Finds Jury Trials Needed to Decide if NYCHA Responsible for Tenant Killings

June 27, 2023    

New York's highest court issued a combined ruling on two cases where tenants were killed in apartment buildings by intruders intent on revenge. In Scurry v. NYCHA, the estate of tenant Bridget Crushshon...

Appeals Court Finds Questions of Fact Concerning Tenant's Slip-and-Fall in Vestibule

June 27, 2023    

Tenant sued landlord for negligence after she slipped and fell on water in the vestibule between the outer and inner entrance doors of her apartment building as she entered the building. The accident occurred on Dec...