Landlord Mistakenly Omitted Claimed Costs from Application

LVT Number: 6619

(Decision submitted by Henie Septimus of David Shurin Consulting Associates Inc., which filed the application on the landlord's behalf.) Landlord applied for MCI increases based on a number of improvements. On its application, landlord correctly listed each of the improvements and stated the total cost of all the improvements. But landlord omitted from its breakdown the $44,550 cost of new kitchens and bathrooms. The DRA didn't include this amount in its calculation of landlord's MCI rent increase. Landlord requested reconsideration, and the DRA granted this request.

(Decision submitted by Henie Septimus of David Shurin Consulting Associates Inc., which filed the application on the landlord's behalf.) Landlord applied for MCI increases based on a number of improvements. On its application, landlord correctly listed each of the improvements and stated the total cost of all the improvements. But landlord omitted from its breakdown the $44,550 cost of new kitchens and bathrooms. The DRA didn't include this amount in its calculation of landlord's MCI rent increase. Landlord requested reconsideration, and the DRA granted this request. Tenants had been informed of the total cost of the MCIs; landlord had merely omitted a specific amount for re-piping and bathroom modernization by error.

[5524 Realty Associates: DRA Dckt. Nos. ZFH 210025-RK; ZEC 210147-OM (11/13/92)]. 1-page document.


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