Landlord Fined for Blocking Street During Sidewalk Repairs
LVT Number: #22275
DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for obstructing a public place. The DOS inspector saw two plastic garbage cans, a cinder block, and a plastic pail in the street in front of landlord's building, blocking traffic. Landlord claimed that she cordoned a portion of the sidewalk while caulking part of it and placed yellow caution tape around the cans. Landlord claimed that traffic wasn't obstructed. The ALJ ruled against landlord and fined her $100. Landlord appealed and lost. The law bars placement of moveable property on any public street. There was no exception for items being used during sidewalk construction or repair.
Camporese: ECB App. No. 47855 (8/13/09) [2-pg. doc.]