City Court Can't Decide Unlawful Eviction Claim

LVT Number: 8189

Tenant sued landlord for unlawful eviction in New Rochelle City Court. Tenant asked for money damages in an amount greater than that court had the authority to rule on. The court had to dismiss the case. Unlike New York City courts, other city courts in New York State can't transfer cases to bigger courts if the money amount involved is too high. And tenant couldn't amend his petition to reduce the amount of money he sought so that it would fit into the City Court's jurisdiction.

Tenant sued landlord for unlawful eviction in New Rochelle City Court. Tenant asked for money damages in an amount greater than that court had the authority to rule on. The court had to dismiss the case. Unlike New York City courts, other city courts in New York State can't transfer cases to bigger courts if the money amount involved is too high. And tenant couldn't amend his petition to reduce the amount of money he sought so that it would fit into the City Court's jurisdiction.

Mend-Foley v. Spencer Management Corp.: NYLJ, p. 25, col. 5 (8/25/93) (City Ct. New Rochelle; Rudolph, J)