No Rent-Stabilized Lease for Medical Office

LVT Number: 9010

Various tenants signed leases for medical office space in an apartment building. They later asked the court to rule that their apartments were rent-stabilized. The trial court ordered landlord to give two tenants rent-stabilized leases. Landlord appealed, and the appeals court reversed. Professional office space isn't covered by rent stabilization. And tenants can't belatedly attempt to convert their offices to mostly residential use.

Various tenants signed leases for medical office space in an apartment building. They later asked the court to rule that their apartments were rent-stabilized. The trial court ordered landlord to give two tenants rent-stabilized leases. Landlord appealed, and the appeals court reversed. Professional office space isn't covered by rent stabilization. And tenants can't belatedly attempt to convert their offices to mostly residential use. Rent stabilization wasn't designed to provide a cheaper alternative to market rent for professional office space---it was designed to protect residential tenants.

Abright v. Shapiro: NYLJ, p. 26, col. 5 (7/11/94) (App. D. 1 Dept.; Sullivan, JP, Carro, Ellerin, Asch, Tom, JJ)