Landlord's Proposed Rent Increase Unconscionable

LVT Number: #24713

Landlord sued to evict long-term tenant for refusing to renew her lease. Tenant, who had lived in the building since 1980, claimed that the renewal lease increased her rent by 92 percent. Tenant moved into the building before it converted to an HDFC. She didn't buy shares but lived for many years without a lease, paying $650 per month. In 2012, landlord offered tenant a renewal lease at $1,250 per month. The court ruled against landlord after a trial and dismissed the case.

Landlord sued to evict long-term tenant for refusing to renew her lease. Tenant, who had lived in the building since 1980, claimed that the renewal lease increased her rent by 92 percent. Tenant moved into the building before it converted to an HDFC. She didn't buy shares but lived for many years without a lease, paying $650 per month. In 2012, landlord offered tenant a renewal lease at $1,250 per month. The court ruled against landlord after a trial and dismissed the case. Landlord's proposed rent increase was unconscionable, especially since landlord couldn't otherwise terminate the tenancy upon mere expiration of tenant's lease.

303 West 122nd Street HDFC v. Hussein: Index No. L&T 82515/2012, NYLJ No. 1202593737564 (Civ. Ct. NY; 3/19/13; Stoller, J)