Landlord Didn't Certify Correction of Violations on Time

LVT Number: 9802

The Fire Department issued a violation notice to landlord for various conditions. Landlord corrected the violations within 30 days but didn't certify the corrections to the Fire Department. The ALJ imposed a $350 fine and landlord appealed. Landlord argued that the failure to certify the corrections was an oversight; the work had been done. ECB ruled against landlord and upheld the fine. Instructions for proper certification of violation correction are printed on the face of the violation notice and on the certification of correction form given to landlord when the notice is served.

The Fire Department issued a violation notice to landlord for various conditions. Landlord corrected the violations within 30 days but didn't certify the corrections to the Fire Department. The ALJ imposed a $350 fine and landlord appealed. Landlord argued that the failure to certify the corrections was an oversight; the work had been done. ECB ruled against landlord and upheld the fine. Instructions for proper certification of violation correction are printed on the face of the violation notice and on the certification of correction form given to landlord when the notice is served.

City of New York v. Uryash: ECB App. No. 20568 (9/29/94) [2-page document]


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