Co-op Shareholder Tenant Owes $115,300 in Maintenance Arrears

LVT Number: #30012

Landlord sued to evict cooperative shareholder tenant for nonpayment of rent. The court ruled for landlord based on tenant's default but later reopened the case at tenant's request. The court also denied tenant's request to dismiss a portion of the rent arrears claim as stale, finding that claim premature. Tenant also claimed breach of the warranty of habitability and laches, but presented no proof. The court ruled for landlord cooperative corporation and found that tenant owed $115,300 in maintenance due from May 2009 through August 2017.

2301 7 Ave. HDFC v. Byerson: Index No. 73926/17, NYLJ No. 1550219704 (Civ. Ct. NY; 1/29/19; Kraus, J)