Certificate of Correction Mailed to Wrong Address

LVT Number: 13106

The Fire Department issued a violation notice to landlord for not providing fire buckets and/or extinguishers in the boiler room, and for not removing rubbish and storage from the boiler room. Since the Fire Department had no record of landlord having corrected the violation by the hearing date, the ALJ fined landlord $175. Landlord appealed, claiming it had corrected the violations on time. But landlord had mailed its certificate of correction to the wrong address, and had made no attempt to mail the certificate to the Fire Department at the correct address by the date it was due.

The Fire Department issued a violation notice to landlord for not providing fire buckets and/or extinguishers in the boiler room, and for not removing rubbish and storage from the boiler room. Since the Fire Department had no record of landlord having corrected the violation by the hearing date, the ALJ fined landlord $175. Landlord appealed, claiming it had corrected the violations on time. But landlord had mailed its certificate of correction to the wrong address, and had made no attempt to mail the certificate to the Fire Department at the correct address by the date it was due. So the penalty imposed was proper.

225 Park Pl. Owners Co.: ECB App. No. 30270 (10/28/98) [2-pg. doc.]


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