Apartment Rented to Corporate Tenant

LVT Number: 15586

Landlord sued to evict corporate tenant for nonprimary residence. Tenant claimed that individual occupant was entitled to a renewal lease. The court ruled for tenant. Landlord appealed and won. The apartment was rented to the corporation. Neither the vacancy lease nor any renewal leases listed a specific individual occupant. Annual rent registrations also listed only the corporation. A corporation cannot have a primary residence.

Landlord sued to evict corporate tenant for nonprimary residence. Tenant claimed that individual occupant was entitled to a renewal lease. The court ruled for tenant. Landlord appealed and won. The apartment was rented to the corporation. Neither the vacancy lease nor any renewal leases listed a specific individual occupant. Annual rent registrations also listed only the corporation. A corporation cannot have a primary residence.

Herald Towers LLC v. Jeet Intl. Ltd.: NYLJ, 1/24/02, p. 19, col. 4 (App. T.1 Dept.;Parness, PJ, Gangel-Jacob, Suarez, JJ)